The Apostolic Christian Home of Eureka hosts a monthly Dementia Education and Support Group at the Eureka Public Library community room the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30 which is free for anyone to attend. Each month we cover a different topic but there is always time for questions regarding anything related to dementia. During our last meeting our topic was “Staying safe at home with Dementia”. We talked about a number of things you can do around the house to make it a little safer for someone with dementia. The information shared was based on an article found on the AARP website and can be found here: https://www.aarp.org/caregiving/home-care/info-2017/dementia-home-safety.html.
This article was originally published in 2017 but the information contained within in it is still very relevant. The article covers areas of the home, both inside and outside, that should be looked at and evaluated for possible safety concerns. It is a great tool as you walk around your home and look for possible dangers that may not appear to be problems now but could become problems as a person with dementia progresses through the disease.
While this article only covers the physical aspects of the home itself in terms of staying safe at home, there are other things you can do to help keep someone with dementia safe at home. At our next Dementia Education and Support group meeting on June 27 we will have part 2 of “Staying safe at home with Dementia”. We will discuss some of those other things you can do, as well as what to do when staying home is no longer a safe option.